Get zen: An easy, half-hour session of introductory tai chi is held at 2pm each Monday at The Open Door, 110 Ann Street, Dandenong. Gold coin donation welcome. Details: 9791 8664.
Catch up time: Dandenong Evening VIEW Club meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Dandenong RSL for dinner, guest speaker, socialisation and to support The Smith Family Learning for Life program. Details: 9560 9717.
English class: Improve your English with affordable classes at the Keysborough Learning Centre, 402 Corrigan Road. Classes on Monday-Wednesday, 9.30am-3pm. Details: 9798 7005.
Older learners: U3A provides computer classes for Window 7 targeted at beginner or advanced users who may be experiencing difficulties with managing files, Windows, Word, Excel and the internet. Details: 9546 2997.
Play time: Hallam Community Learning Centre still has some vacancies in three-year-old kinder groups and also in their mixed-age playgroups. Enrol now for term two. Details: 9703 1688.
Carer Support: Grow – Better Together Carers Group for friends and family of those affected by mental health issues. Free and confidential meetings held twice a month in Dandenong, Frankston and Scoresby. Details: 1800 558 268 or grow.net.au.
Zumba: Learn the fitness program that involves dance and aerobics. Classes on Mondays from 6.15-7.15pm and Wednesdays from 5.30-6.30pm starting next week at the Jan Wilson Community Centre, Noble Park North. Cost $5 a session. Zumba gold classes (for seniors, $4) and Zumbatomic (for children aged 4-12, $3) also available. Details, class times: 9795 9279.
At the office: Update your skills or learn new ones at a 16-session course at the Keysborough Learning Centre, 402 Corrigan Road. Learn MS Office, keyboarding skills, how to manage petty cash, and customer service. Cost $168, concession $82, jobseekers $60. Details: 9798 7005.
Neighbourly deeds: Volunteers are needed to deliver bulk-drops of bimonthly newsletters for Neighbourhood Watch Greater Dandenong. The pamphlets are dropped off at shopping centres in the municipality. Details: Dawn Vernon, 0407 325 030.
Seniors school: Volunteer tutors needed at U3A Dandenong, which offers 38 courses Mondays-Fridays. Details: 9546 2997.
Book club: Enjoy reading? Take part in a lively discussion one evening a month at this friendly Springvale-based book club. New members welcome. Details: 9547 2521.
Fairy magic: Does your child love to dress up as a funky fairy? If so, come and have fun dancing, playing, listening and meeting other fairies at the Jan Wilson Community Centre, Noble Park North. It’s for children aged 2½ to 5, and is on Wednesdays from 11am-noon. Cost $4.50 a session. Details: 9795 9279.
Playtime: Playgroup sessions at Noble Park North’s Jan Wilson Community Centre. Classes from 10am-noon on Mondays and Thursdays, and 10.30am-noon Fridays. Cost: $4.50 or $4. Details: 9795 9279.
Healthy minds: GROW offers a unique 12-step recovery focused program to those suffering from stress and other emotional difficulties. The Dandenong group meets at the Church of Christ, 139 David Street, from 7.30pm every Tuesday. Details: 1800 558 268 or grow.net.au.
Footy for all: Casey’s all-abilities team is recruiting for 2013. Weekly training is at Casey Fields but is not compulsory. Players welcome from all parts of Casey, Pakenham and Dandenong. Details: Mel Lindsay, 0432 595 780.
Lotus group: A friendly group for women over 50 wanting to enjoy social and special interest activities. Meetings on Wednesdays from 10am-noon. New members welcome; cost $3.50 per session. Details: 9795 9279.
Take a hike: Berwick Bushwalking Club holds regular group walks in parks across the region. Details: Grazie, 9700 1158.
Alcoholics support: Alcoholics Anonymous meets 6pm on Fridays at St James Anglican Church, 55 Langhorne Street, Dandenong.
Send details by noon on the Wednesday before publication to easteditorial@mmpgroup.com.au or See & Do, PO Box 318, Dandenong 3175.
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