Letters to the Editor, Dandenong Journal

Re: Asylum seekers making their mark

Well done. Keep up the good work.

Rond (via web)

What an amazing boost to the economy this will be. Well done ASRC.

Lou Dingle (via web)

Re: This little piggy is coming to Dandenong Market

From when I was a kid growing up in Dandenong, there is one memory which has stayed with me – the old Dandy Hams and Bacon ‘pig’ at the entrance to the town. Since the 1970s, Dandenong has changed a lot. When I come back, nothing seems quite the same. Dandenong has grown and developed into a very different place — some would argue for the better, some for the worse. But to have an old icon restored and put back for the public to view is just wonderful. It reminds many of us a time when Dandenong was a smaller, working class, manufacturing town, with dozens of factories like Dandy Hams and Bacon employing local people. Congratulations to the City of Greater Dandenong for this great achievement.

Craig Wilson, Beaufort

Beware carbon monoxide, a silent killer

As winter draws closer, I’d like to remind all Victorians of the need to get their gas heaters serviced to avoid the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless gas that is produced by faulty, unserviced gas heaters. Carbon monoxide poisoning claims an average of one Victorian life per year and causes chronic physical and cognitive impairment.

Regular servicing is the only reliable way to minimise your risk of carbon monoxide poisoning from a gas heater. Our experts recommend servicing by a licensed gasfitter a minimum of every two years. This applies to every type of gas fuel-burning heater, including central heating units, space heaters, wall furnaces and water heaters.

A licensed or registered gasfitter is the only person qualified to service a unit and check for carbon monoxide spillage. When booking an appliance service, it’s vital to ask if the gasfitter has a carbon monoxide analyser. If they don’t have one, find somebody else.

Don’t let your family fall victim to this silent killer. Take action today. 

Paul Fearon, director energy safety, Energy Safe Victoria

Killing of the unborn ‘unjust’

After Martin Pakula’s Lyndhurst byelection narrow win, Cybil (Your Voice, May 6) states: “We will all be watching your performance, Martin . . .” Those watching included myself after I heard this comment to a voter outside a polling place on April 27: “Hi, I’m Martin Pakula, the Labor candidate . . . I’ll make a good candidate.” My understanding of a ‘good candidate’ is one who, if elected, will try as far as possible to serve every person, no matter what age, in the electorate.

On October 10, 2008, Mr Pakula was one of 14 Victorian Legislative Council Labor members who voted for the abortion law which allows abortion right up to birth. The bill that passed in the upper house (23-17) has resulted in the ongoing, deliberate killing of thousands of unborn Victorians.

In particular, it denies doctors with a conscientious objection their basic right to express freedom of conscience not to refer pregnant women to an abortionist (section 8).

This is the unjust, inhuman legacy Mr Pakula and others have inflicted on our community.

Peter Phillips, Springvale

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