PSO cops a spray

VICTORIA Police is investigating allegations a PSO unjustly and repeatedly sprayed two teenage boys with capsicum foam at Springvale Railway Station.
The ABC last night revealed CCTV footage of the incident on 7 June last year.
Two PSOs stopped one of the 17-year-olds and took his details when he jumped the station turnstiles.
He made a run for the train and his friend, who had a valid ticket, followed.
The officers pursued them, signalled the train to stop and dragged them from the carriage.
It’s alleged the PSOs brought the boy who had a valid ticket to the ground, and repeatedly sprayed both boys with capsicum spray.
The boy with a ticket was charged with assaulting and hindering PSOs but a magistrate last month acquitted him.
“There is nothing in his behaviour or body language that justifies him being sprayed,” he said.
The other boy admitted fare evasion and completed a diversionary program.
Assistant Commissioner Chris O’Neill told the ABC he had asked for a review of the incident, which would take about six weeks.