SPRINGVALE’S streetscape is set for a shake-up.
City of Greater Dandenong plans to build on the momentum the level crossing removal project created.
On Monday 19 October it launched two projects to improve the look and amenity of central Springvale, and announced it would recruit a project manager to oversee the works over the next two years.
The first project will include a major upgrade of the Springvale Road streetscape between Virginia Street and St James Avenue.
Designs are yet to be finalised but are expected to include new paving, street furniture and lighting.
The second project will feature the redevelopment of council-owned land in the Warwick Avenue precinct.
The vision for the precinct is to provide mixed-use development opportunities, including apartments to complement the activity centre and the Springvale Civic Precinct project.
A number of private developments are already underway in central Springvale.
Consultation with traders and the broader community will start next year.