Ciggy litter hot spots targetted in Springvale


SMOKING could be banned in parts of Springvale and Springvale South shopping strips under a proposal to stop cigarette-butt litter.

Last Monday, Greater Dandenong councillor Sean O’Reilly asked the council to investigate options to deter littering, including smoke-free zones such as those in parts of Frankston’s CBD.

In the past, the council has launched multi-lingual information campaigns to tell people how to correctly dispose their butts.

Cr O’Reilly said the council may have to go further to “spread the message” — but not so far as to inconvenience smokers.

“We don’t want to go overboard. It’s still a legal product,” he said. “I want people being comfortable around there and not having to walk a long way to smoke.”

Cr O’Reilly said cigarette litter hot spots included Multicultural Place and the Springvale Road entrance to Springvale Market.

Springvale Asian Traders Association spokesman Stan Chang has backed the idea.

He suggested a gentle approach for newly-arrived migrants, who were often ignorant about littering.

“It’s a great idea. We could improve the cleanliness in the shopping centre and have a more healthy business area.”

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