Speaking of solutions

by Anne Maslin, secretary of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Greater Dandenong

How important is it to be able to talk to each other?

We are social people, we enjoy and thrive on each other’s company – with the family, in the workplace, in our Faith setting, in our everyday lives.

The fact that we are not all the same, and we do not all think the same way means that sometimes challenges arise.

We can build our relationships on trust and respect. But how do we achieve that?

By not just talking to each other but consulting each other.

This means acknowledging that it is OK to have a different point of view, without arguing.

If we allow each other to say what they think we can consult on a challenge, approach the situation from different perspectives and discover new possibilities.

We can analyse the issue, reach a decision, solve the problem, and take action together.

Thus, consultation can be a powerful instrument for building unity, in the family and in society.

The family sitting down together and listening to each other seriously, gives children confidence and teaches them respect.

They experience trust and are able to express their ideas.

Mutual trust and the search for truth builds up a strong family unit and is an expression of love.

If we can take this model of consultation out into the society we live in, we can build a stronger community.

We can consult on issues that we face together, find solutions, and effect a collective purpose.

We can build a better society that values unity, truth, and justice.

Through consultation we can address issues that concern us in the family, in our locality, nationally and even globally.

Consultation not only helps our family grow stronger but can be the foundation of a better society that values justice and truth.

The hope for the future.

Enquiries about the City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network: executive@interfaithnetwork.org.au or 8774 7662.