Looking Back

Dandenong RSL drew opposition to its application for 11 extra poker machines in 2018.

100 years ago

28 June 1923

Dandenong pictures

Owing to the increasing patronage at the Dandenong pictures, and the crowding and pushing at the ticket window for early admission, the forming of a queue along the hall passage appears to be advisable, and the matter might well be given consideration by the management. The fine programmes submitted continue to draw good audiences, and the one announced below should also mean good business. Programme for Thursday “Manslaughter”, featuring Thomas Meighan.

50 years ago

19 June 1973

Dandenong Club to sell out, shift?

Members of Dandenong’s Businessmen’s Club in McCrae St are being asked to approve the sale of the club’s premises and purchase a new site. If the proposal goes through the Club will take over the present St Angelis College site. Formal approval of club members will be sought.

The decision to move already has the full support of the club’s general committee. Deposits have already been paid by the prospective buyer of the existing site and by the club to the Roman Catholic Church which owns St Angela’s. The name of the incoming buyer has not been disclosed, nor have final contract prices for the two land sales. St Angela’s formerly a girls’ secondary school staffed by the Presentation Sisters, had been vacant since last year. The school was closed after a decision to make St John’s College co-educational.

20 years ago

23 June 2003

Festival success tribute to talent

In 1948 this report appeared in the Journal “Something new for Victoria – a Festival of Music and Art for the Youth, reserved solely for youth”. Local businessman Norman Parton, one of many residents instrumental in creating this forum for young musicians predicted it “could be made a very big annual event in Dandenong”. He was right. Last month marked the end of the 56th festival, which has evolved to become a major event on Melbourne’s cultural calendar. Nola Dawson, who has been involved in running the festival as publicity officer for the past 13 years, recalls its success. “In 1948 it ran for one week and we had 100 entrants. This year the festival ran for five weeks and had 1900 entrants. “A lot of work goes into organising the festival, which has been held at the Dandenong Town Hall since its inception.

5 years ago

25 June 2018

Pokies would only ‘make matters worse’

An online petition is encouraging opposition in a Dandenong RSL plan for 11 new pokies. The Alliance for Gambling Reform is running the ‘No more Pokies Dandenong’ campaign. This follows Greater Dandenong Council writing a formal submission against the application to the Victoria Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR), and agreeing to give testimony. “Did you know that within a 2.5 km radius of the Dandenong RSL there are 401 pokies machines that take more than $42.1 million from the community every year,” the alliance said. Dandenong is experiencing great harm from the high density of poker machines in its community.

Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society