DHS assess face-to-face

SECURITY fears following an arson attempt have seen face-to-face child support services cancelled in Dandenong.
The Department of Human Services (DHS) completed a security review after a man entered the Thomas Street office and threatened staff with a lit object late last year.
“As this matter is before the court, we won’t be in a position to provide any details,” a DHS spokesperson said.
“We can confirm a security review was completed in December and child support face-to-face services will no longer be available in Dandenong.”
The incident also prompted a visit from Human Services Minister Kim Carr to reaffirm a DHS commitment to a safe work environment and gauge staff views on a new campaign to discourage anti-social behaviour in DHS offices.
“It will aim to ensure that everyone who uses one of our offices understands their rights and obligations, including the treatment of others,” the spokesperson said.
“DHS is also reviewing the current approach to addressing aggression and dealing with unreasonable behaviour.
“That will include a thorough review of the legal avenues available to protect our staff.”
The DHS spokesperson said preventive, real-time and post-incident support was provided in circumstances like those in Dandenong.
“Service centre incidents trigger reviews of security and how the situation was managed, including staff debriefing – and adjustments are made to security measures where required,” they said.
They said a south-eastern Victoria service review found more than 99 per cent of separated parents chose to conduct their child support business over the phone or online.
“However, we appreciate people sometimes choose to do their business face-to-face,” the spokesperson said.
“We are committed to providing the best possible service to separated parents in Dandenong, who can attend the Robinson Street Service Centre for information on how to access a range of Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support Services.”
Separated parents can also continue to attend the Frankston Service Centre for child support face-to-face services.