Street gets new oaks

TREE replacement in Lonsdale Street will disrupt Dandenong traders and visitors on Sunday 21 July.
City of Greater Dandenong council will remove 10 of the 265 pin oaks lining the street, planted more than two years ago through the Places Victoria Revitalising Central Dandenong project.
Mayor Angela Long said a failure rate up to five per cent was not unusual when transplanting semi-mature trees.
“As council is replacing the 10 trees with those of a similar size to the existing trees, the beautiful Lonsdale Street streetscape appearance will remain,” she said.
Cr Long said this was the most suitable time to plant to ensure the new trees survived.
“The works are very sensibly being done at a time that has the least impact on Dandenong traders and visitors – this is a small inconvenience to ensure the long-term future of this magnificent street,” she said.
The council will limit parking space closures, clean up all works and reinstate any garden beds disturbed on the day.
Visitors to Dandenong should obey traffic control signage and safety notices during the works.