RESIDENTS at Shawlands Caravan Park are facing an indefinite wait for a safely accessible bus stop on South Gippsland Highway, Dandenong.
To reach the bus stop, commuters negotiate an unsealed gravel path, traverse crumbling bitumen driveways, then face a slippery descent over lawn.
The final challenge to reach the concrete waiting bay is to squeeze through a narrow space between a retaining wall, a signpost and the 80 km/h highway.
Their reward: a waiting bay without seats or shelter, and full of silt and rubbish such as abandoned furniture.
Shawlands resident Gloria, who often uses a child pusher, has to step out over an unramped gutter onto the bus parking bay to get past the sign. Those in wheelchairs wouldn’t try.
“I’ve seen cars pull into the bus bay to get around accidents and other cars. Our visibility to them wouldn’t be great.”
Gloria said there needed to be a sealed ramp and wide level paths to the bus stop. Barriers would protect commuters from errant cars and stop children running into danger.
Shawlands manager Elizabeth Miller said Public Transport Victoria “looked into” improving the bus stop’s access several years ago, but took no action.
A Public Transport Victoria spokeswoman said PTV was “progressively upgrading” bus stops in Victoria to be Disability Discrimination Act-compliant.
“PTV will investigate upgrading this bus stop. However, any future upgrades will be assessed on demand and subject to additional funding.”
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