Free bus shelters open new doors

THE City of Greater Dandenong will receive 150 free bus shelters under a new 15year deal with Adshel.
The company will also carry out maintenance and cleaning duties on the new shelters.
Adshel would generate the income required for the work from advertising revenue. Half of Adshel’s 150 new bus shelters will feature advertising panels.
According to a council report, the municipality needs 250 bus shelters for its 620 bus stops. Many of the existing 150 need replacing.
Councillor Peter Brown said the arrangement would work for both parties.
“Our bus shelters will be safe, well lit, well maintained, and be equal to the level of the shelters in our neighbouring councils,” Cr Brown said. “Adshel manages the shelters to an extremely high standard, which will provide a substantial benefit to our transport users.”
Director of City Services, Tim Tamlin, said the council included clauses in the contract to ensure the advertising content was appropriate.