Family man cast a broad net

Fondly remembered: Alf Smith

OBITUARY: Alfred (Alf) George Smith, January 10, 1926-February 10, 2013

DANDENONG identity Alf Smith was not one to shy away from hard work or contributing to the community in any way he could.

Mr Smith, well-known as a maker of steel trailers at A&D Welded Products in Vizard Street, was also a Scoutmaster, an active father of six and a co-organiser of Bangholme hall’s weekly dances where he met his future wife Dorothy Pillar. It was an interest that forged their bond and led to their marriage in 1947.

Hailing from Caldross, near Mildura, Mr Smith was raised by fruitgrowers — English migrants George and Rose.

At 17, he moved south to work at Dandenong railway station. He then worked as a machinist at Kelly&Lewis in Lonsdale Street before starting his own business.

Mr Smith was involved closely with his family, though often from the sidelines. Eldest son Murray remembers his father’s prolific collection of home movies of his grandchildren.

“Family was very important to him. He used to help our mother raise us. He was a bit ahead of his time, very hands-on and very interested in his children.

“He was a very hard-working man. He started early morning and came home late at night, but he did everything with us.”

The couple moved to residential care home Regis Waverley Gardens, Dandenong North, five years ago.

Mr Smith is survived by his wife, children Murray, Lynette, Graham, Ian, Wayne and Andrew, 20 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.