CORNISH College primary school students were inspired by everything nature in visual art classes throughout term one and presented their works to family and friends in an art walk on the school grounds.
On Friday 8 May paintings were placed in trees and on easels on the 100 acre school grounds.
Primary art teacher Bex Hinton said students had been inquiring into how visual arts are used to express observations of the natural environment.
“The stunning examples of the student’s artwork will be exhibited in the surroundings that inspired their creations,” Ms Hinton said.
Each year the primary students from grade-one to six have a different focus and explored the schools natural environment where a temporary art room was set up near the school lake.
Ms Hinton said this allowed the “children to paint outside whilst closely observing the environment”.
Students expressed their observations using techniques of the impressionists, printmaking techniques, textiles and etching.
“Year 6 used natural materials to create textured landscape paintings inspired by the work of Anslem Kiefer,” Ms Hinton said.