UNEMPLOYMENT rates are climbing but there’s good news for young people.
South East Local Learning and Employment Network (SELLEN) CEO Andrew Simmons told a Migrant Youth Employment Forum at Dandenong Civic Centre on 15 September that jobs were on the way.
He said youth unemployment rates were the worst they’d been for 14 years and many entry-level jobs had disappeared.
But Mr Simmons said the Department of Employment predicted that about 45,000 jobs would be created in the south east over the next five years, with the greatest number appearing in the health care and social assistance sectors.
He said that coupled with the 30,000 jobs retirees would vacate in the next five years, there would be 75,000 job opportunities in the region.
The forum audience also received advice from Bunnings Victoria regional learning co-ordinator Darren Moulder, Target regional manager Paul Newnham, Skillinvest operations manager Paul Konig, Metalsa Australia HR manager Esperanza Sugay and Wurth Australia human capital manager Kelly Alford.
City of Greater Dandenong youth development officer Edem Eduesi served as moderator as young people fired questions at the panellists.
They encouraged young people to use their life experience to demonstrate employability skills if they lacked work experience.
Volunteering, team sports participation, taking on responsibility at school and receiving awards all fit the bill.
Panellists urged job-seekers to research the organisation before attending a job interview, including a visit if possible, and to demonstrate their communication, team work and leadership skills in group interviews.
The audience heard that they should ask organisations for feedback if their application has been unsuccessful and be careful about ‘cash in hand’ jobs because their tax will be unpaid and WorkCover insurance won’t cover injuries.