Pig to market

By Nicole Williams
THE ‘Dandy Pig’ is making a comeback.
Greater Dandenong Council proposed the sign, showing a pig in a top hat and tails, be relocated to the Clow Street frontage of the Dandenong Market.
But the decision was deferred at last week’s council meetingas councillors argued overthe best location for the neonsign.
Councillor John Kelly deferred a motion because he said it would be shielded by trees in the proposed location.
Councillor Jim Memeti agreed with the deferral but called for more community consultation about its new location.
β€œIt is an icon of the city,” Cr Memeti said.
β€œI think the appropriate position is somewhere in the market.”
The Dandy Pig is said to be the oldest animated neon sign in Victoria and was used to promote the Dandy Hams and Bacon Factory until it closed.
It was moved to theDandenong Market in 1996 and removed in 2009 to allow for the market’s redevelopment.
The relocation will bediscussed at the next council meeting.