By Emma Sun
DANDENONG-BASED company Volgren has been awarded a $9 million contract to build 38 buses for Ventura Bus Group, a massive boost for the Victorian manufacturing sector.
Manufacturing, Exports and Trade Minister Richard Dalla-Riva announced the contract during a tour of Volgren’s Dandenong plant and said the contract will have many benefits to the Victorian industry.
“Ventura services 35 percent of Melbourne’s metropolitan bus routes and their decision to purchase locally-built buses demonstrates the high-quality manufacturing work in Victoria and also how Volgren can effectively compete against imports,” Mr Dalla-Riva said. “Volgren has achieved its success through its focus on innovation, especially in design, investing in new technologies and building its skills base. Hundreds of additional casual staff have been employed to cope with the peak in demand.”
Volgren’s general manager of sales and marketing Tony Kerr said it was important for Victorian businesses to support each other.
“We’re very proud to have Ventura on deck as a customer – some would say it’s been a long time coming but there’s also a saying that good things come to those who wait,” he said.
“We’re certainly very appreciative of Ventura seeing the light and working closely with us and we look forward to that.”
Ventura’s managing director Andrew Cornwall said Ventura was very pleased to be supporting the local industry.
“Ventura is a proud Victorian owned and operated company so it makes sense that we use a local manufacturer because it’s important to keep everything local,” he said.
“We carry over 38 million customers per year so it certainly provides for the customers with its modern design so we’re very happy that it’s a local product and that we’re carrying people in these areas in these new buses.”
Volgren is the only bus manufacturer in Victoria and Australia’s largest bus body building company, employing more than 220 people in Victoria.