Stand against ageism

John Bennie and 130 council staff take the anti-ageism pledge. 260359_03 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

Greater Dandenong Council’s home care support workers have joined a campaign against ageism.

About 130 of the council’s Community Care staff and chief executive John Bennie took the EveryAGE Counts pledge at Springvale City Hall on 30 November.

Under the pledge, they undertook to “stand for a world without ageism where all people of all ages are valued and respected and their contributions are acknowledged”.

“We commit to speak out and take action to ensure older people can participate on equal terms with others in all aspects of life.”

Launched in 2018, the national campaign aims to shift negative attitudes towards older people and ageing.

It aims to “reframe our older years as a valid, positive and meaningful part of life”.

The council’s Community Care service provide home care support, respite services, Meals on Wheels and home maintenance to older residents and residents with a disability.