Change in 2023

By Rowena Eghanian from Greater Dandenong Bahá’i Community

As this is the first Message of Hope for 2023, let me begin with a ‘Happy New Year’ greeting to each and all.

With consideration that almost every religion and ancient culture has some form of New Year’s Resolutions; this is naturally a time we reflect on the past year and marvel at how swiftly the years keep passing: and ‘yes’, we do begin to sound more like those relatives who used to sit at the end of our dining tables and whose presence is so sorely missed at this time of year.

It seems a bit cliché to discuss New Year’s Resolutions; but with this being the first in three years in which we are living or resuming ‘life as normal’ after many of us had been stripped back by the circumstances of the last three years, it is

pertinent to question what is really important as we move forward.

If we’re resolving to improve ourselves, little by little, day by day in 2023, while acknowledging we will never quite be as ‘Perfect’ as the Holy Manifestations of God; let us consider how the Baha’i Teachings encourage us to “advance in the path of perfection”; which can “best be achieved through pure and holy deeds, a virtuous life and goodly behaviour”: with our “thoughts fixed upon serving to rehabilitate the fortunes of mankind”. It is stated that “true faith is no mere acknowledgement of the unity of God, but rather the living of a life that will manifest all the perfections and virtues implied in such belief.”

Surely our sorely missed ones would tell us if they could, to focus on Love: for to love and to be loved gives meaning to our lives.

Each new day gives us a chance to awaken with gratitude in our hearts and actively show that love to our family: our entire human family! I’m certain they would remind us to trust and accept that whatever we are going through is a lesson to teach us how we can advance upon that path of perfection, and whether it be pain or joy, we are exactly where we need to be to help us appreciate the seasons that our lives must go through.

So, in 2023 let us strive to live our lives in unity, freely, with open hearts, curious minds, aligned for the betterment and well-being of all in our beautiful human family.