Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society
100 years ago
17 November 1921
Town Hall Conveniences
Being just a recent arrival in Dandenong I am what one might call still “having a look around”. Whilst reading down your columns of last issue my attention was drawn to a letter on the above. Now, I know nothing about the cleanliness of these places or whether the members of the ALP just happened to strike a time when these had been abused, but a point which I think ought to have come under the notice of the council is the close proximity of each of these conveniences, and the fact that there has been no provision made for lighting at that particular corner.
50 years ago
18 November 1971
From Ballet to top Police Job
Superintendent Leonard Bell retires from the Victorian Police force after a 39½ year career. Supt Bell has been at Dandenong headquarters since 1968 and is in charge of Flinders police district. He celebrates his 60th birthday in December and a testimonial dinner has been arranged at the Southern Aurora Hotel, Dandenong. Supt Len, a genial distinguished redhead, stands 6ft 11in tall and carries his sixty summers with athletic grace and ease. He is an interesting conversationalist, well read, with a wealth of happy memories and a keenness for meticulous details. He retained an interest in theatre and was a professional dancer with J C Williamson before his policing career. “I danced with Bobby Helpman (now Sir Robert) and my last appearances was in Noel Coward’s ‘This Year of Graces’ at the old Theatre Royal in Bourke St.”
20 years ago
26 November 2001
Journal Editorial
It is strange what a difference a few days can make, and the announcements which put a smile on the face of Dandenong on Thursday and Friday emphasised that fact. Two short news conferences wiped away the gloom which has enveloped the city during the winter and put a spring in everyone’s step. Canadian–owned manufacturer Bombardier to build Victoria’s high-speed trains and the opening of the Clelands cold storage plant at Lyndhurst are testimony to Dandenong’s ability to prosper when the going gets tough. The past 10 years have seen a huge turnaround in this area following the demise of the motor industry. From once relying on a few major employers, we now have a broader range of industry and a more stable base.
5 years ago
21 November 2016
New homes for Homeless
An extra 22 homes will soon be available for people in living in Greater Dandenong’s streets. On Monday 14 November, Dandenong MP Gabrielle Williams announced that the State Government would work with 10 organisations to acquire 16 and lease six properties in the municipality. She said the project was part of the Rapid Housing Assistance Program. “We are providing more support to ensure those in need have access to housing and targeted assistance to get back on their feet,“ she said.
Compiled by Dandenong & District Historical Society