Schools gathering returns

by Roz Blades AM of the Jewish community and the City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network

I am delighted to provide my last Message of Hope for 2022 on behalf of the City of Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network.

If my previous messages were allocated near a Jewish Festival, I explained the nature of the festival and the reasons for it.

How it was celebrated and sometimes a photograph.

For some years now, the Greater Dandenong Interfaith Network has worked with schools in the City of Greater Dandenong as a committee and developed the Annual Greater Dandenong

Combined Schools Interfaith Gathering.

There has been an annual concert at Springvale Town Hall, which has been interrupted by Covid.

So, this year was exceptionally pleasing to have the Gathering again.

Children from many schools, learn and do a reading about a particular faith or religion with the faith leaders present.

This year the Rabbi came along, and we heard a reading about Judaism from a particular school.

The teachers and students at all schools went to a lot of trouble, sometimes giving up their lunch hours to practise and present a beautiful musical piece.

Additionally, this year we worked with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Community Liaison Team to produce a beautiful glass mosaic.

The Mayor attends on behalf of the council, alongside the schools and leaders.

So, my message of hope is that we treasure the young people of the City of Greater Dandenong, the most multicultural city in Australia, to take us forward into a tolerant and peaceful coexistence.

The next Jewish festival is Chanukah, the festival of lights, celebrated in December.

On behalf of the Jewish community, I am proud to represent, we wish you ‘git yontif.’
