Spirituality is essential education

by Matsya Devi Dasi of Hare Krishna Melbourne (ISKCON) Temple

Only one God, destination & goal – but so many paths.

Some are slow, moderate, fast and there are many in between – according to our level and mood, we can choose any path, but the ultimate destination or Absolute Truth is one for everyone.

The concept of God can be difficult to absorb, according to an individual’s level.

We are all at millions of different levels. Hence, we need to go to the individual’s level.

Just like I am a high school maths teacher.

When I go to primary, middle, and high school, I teach according to what they can understand.

For example, in general, I can’t teach calculus or algebra to primary school kids.

So, God can only reveal what people can understand.

There’s one President and so many ministers to take care of different departments.

Similarly, there’s one God and “there are thirty-three million demigods, each entrusted with a particular department of universal management”.

They are all empowered personalities by the Lord.

Sometimes people pray to empowered personalities as God.

That’s how the ‘many Gods’ concept becomes understood. I hope this clarifies the doubt if anyone thinks that there are many Gods.

Every religious tradition accepts Krishna because He is God, the original person.

They just don’t know His original name. They call Him by some of His other names like Allah, Jehovah, etc.

In Universities – undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD – so many levels.

Similarly, in spiritual science also, there are so many levels.

When people don’t understand, they deny because the majority think that they know everything.

When it comes to medicine, engineering or politics, only qualified people can comment.

When it comes to spirituality, common people comment. Hence, we need to teach spiritual science from as early a stage as possible.

For driving, it’s not just allowed when you turn 18 years old – we all need to have a license.

The strange thing is we are treated as adult – which is so much responsibility, without any exam or licence.

Our school curriculum needs to be changed.

Everyone should be taught from an early age about spiritual science.

Who we are, why we are here in this world and the main purpose of the human form of life.

Our birth is decided by the Divine arrangements, according to our previous karma, desires and what we deserve.

We cannot blame the creation of Krishna.

If we use everything for the meant purpose, which is called Religion, the result will be eternal bliss with full knowledge.

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