Latin students show ‘excellentia’

Haileybury students from the Keysborough campus have been earning title after title in the past week.

Angela Li, is helping to keep the ancient study of Latin alive as well as becoming a state champion in the subject.

She was one of around 80 students from 11 schools across Victoria who competed in an annual Latin reading competition organised by the Classical Association of Victoria.

Students were required to accurately read Latin texts, while being judged on their accuracy, fluency and expression.

This year’s theme was ‘Ghosts’ with students reading Latin passages about ghosts, the underworld and witches.

“The best thing about Latin is that each word is like a jigsaw puzzle and you have to piece together a coherent translation,” Ms Li said.

“Through learning Latin, you also tour the Ancient world, for example, reading about a Roman election is one thing but translating actual propaganda carved on the walls in Rome is something very different.

“I’ve seen comments like ‘Vote for him. He bakes good bread!’ It has been a fascinating language to learn.”

She began studying Latin at the end of 2020 because she wanted to challenge herself to try something new.

Year 11 student Jaeden Vaithianathan competed against a field of older students and managed to bring back a silver medal.

He began studying Latin in Year 8, partly inspired by an interest in Greco-Roman mythology since he was a young child.

“Latin seemed like a great way to immerse myself in that world plus I’ve developed new skills through translating, analysing poetry and learning Roman history.”

Haileybury Latin teacher, Emily Gilbert said Haileybury students have a history of winning titles at the Classical Association of Victoria event.

“Angela delivered a stand-out performance and Jaeden competed with students a year older than him in the fiercely competitive Year 12 group – a great achievement.”

The school’s dance students meanwhile topped the TFT Schoolaerobics Nationals in Adelaide, bringing home a series of gold medals and national titles.