Long run to birthday milestone

Caroline Overbeek will celebrate her 50th birthday with trail running programs. 407576_02 Picture: GARY SISSONS.

by Sahar Foladi

A Greater Dandenong running enthusiast has gifted herself two of Australia’s most rewarding running experiences.

The 49-year-old life coach Caroline Overbeek will be celebrating her 50th birthday in her own style with Run Larapinta, a 4 day trail running race outside Alice Springs, and Surf Coast Century, a 100km trail running race, in and around Anglesea.

In 2021, she participated at the Great Vic Bike Ride for the first time and since then discovered her love for trail running.

“It’s running not typically on roads but out in the nature and one of the reasons I like it is because hiking is part of it.

“It’s a beautiful blend of running when you can and walking when it’s harder.”

She participated in winter trail running programs and “never looked back,” finding the social aspect of trail running as rewarding as covering the distance.

“I found the Dandenong trail runners club and so they run primarily in Dandenong with beautiful lush and green surroundings with lots of hills.”

Currently, she is training hard four times a week to prepare for Run Larapinta coming up first in August consisting of 200 selected runners.

“I am fortunate to be chosen, it’s iconic it’s epic.

“One of the main things I am working on is back to back runs so my body is used to doing four days of running in a row at the event,” Ms Overbeek said.

“Getting my distance up so I can manage the 100km run, so I slowly have to build my distance up.

“There’s heck lot of training but, everybody was Green at one point.”

Although moving her body was part of her life, she only consistently started in her late 40’s.

As a small business owner of Yin Yoga and life coach she helps private clients as well as the wider community to move and relax their body.

“I’ve been amazed how strong and capable my body is, starting running late in life and discovering what my body can do has been an absolute joy and eye opening.”

She has found her passion and love for trail running and has come a long way to be able to participate in a range of programs, starting off with the Dandenong Parkrun, a 5km run through Dandenong Park every Saturday morning.

“I remember those days, not long ago, that doing that 5km parkrun was hard but I kept turning up and was encouraged by the people there which led onto slowly enjoying the run and moving on from there.

Looking back at where she started off, Ms Overbeek emphasises it’s never too late to start.

“The consistency came when the joy came.

“For me going out on a run, not being by myself being around others and chatting has made all the difference.

“It’s never too late to start and it’s about moving your body, not exercising. Find like-minded individuals to do it with, which for me I found in Dandenong trail runners,” she said.

“The fact that I’m doing big runs shouldn’t put off someone who is even vaguely interested in starting running or moving.”

After wrapping up the running programs a week of recovery in Thailand is the cherry on top to mark off a memorable 50 birthday celebrations.