DANDENONG resident Lesley Matosovich is urging the community to donate to what she believes is one of the greatest causes of our time – finding a cure for cancer.
The 76-year-old and her family once believed that cancer was a disease that wouldn’t affect them.
But speaking this week to Star, Mrs Matosovich recalled the horror of seeing her son Ryan battle cancer in the neck, and then witnessing her son’s wife Dawn – a person she said never drank alcohol or smoked cigarettes – lose her life to bowel cancer.
The shocking family tale has led Mrs Matosovich to volunteer her time to sell Daffodil Day badges and other items in the Hub Arcade, Dandenong, for the past six years.
Mrs Matosovich said residents should get behind the cause and on Friday, 24 and Saturday 25 August, either volunteer to sell badges, or make a donation towards the cause. “We’d like a lot more people to help,” she said.
“I don’t want them thinking (cancer) won’t happen to them, because believe me, it can.”
A donation site will also be set up in the Dandenong Plaza.