Council gets tanked

GREATER Dandenong council has installed two large recycled water tanks to minimise its use of drinking water during maintenance operations.
Two 22,500 litre water tanks have been installed at the council’s Operations Centre to store recycled water from Melbourne Water’s Werribee Treatment Plant.
The Class A recycled water will be used for watering trees and garden beds throughout the municipality and in other areas where possible.
Asset Management Services Department manager Oliver Vido said the job of long-term planning for Victoria’s water supply rested with the State Government.
But he said the council recognised it could also play an important role in water management.
“Council will continue to look at ways in which we can minimise the use of drinking water in all our operations to save our precious resource – water,” Mr Vido said.
The council this week said the Springers Leisure Centre has slashed its water use by 38.8 per cent from the same time in 2005.
That equates to an average 2220 litre water saving per day at the venue.
Greater Dandenong mayor Youhorn Chea said the impressive water deduction came about because of the use of water-saver shower roses and a water saving campaign.
Cr Chea said the council was striving to manage the use of drinking water in council operations.
“Council is continuing to do everything in its powers to cope with the pressures being placed on the community, given the current water shortage facing the country,” he said.
“The monitoring of water usage has created the mindset among staff to conserve water.”