Thiess offers residents a ray of hope

RESIDENTS fearing they will not see a sunset in Dandenong North have been offered a green solution.
Thiess John Holland will replace the tops of EastLink sound barriers backing on to properties in Illawarra Crescent, Dandenong North, with a green-tinted acrylic.
In a letter to residents dated 10 August, Thiess John Holland revealed the tinted acrylic would be a minimum of 2.4 metres, depending on the height of the barrier.
In some parts the barrier in its entirety will tower up to 10 metres.
But Thiess John Holland said it will not lower the sound barrier heights.
“A number of aspects of the noise wall design will however remain the same,” community relations manager Megan Kirk wrote.
She said the barriers must meet a standard consistent with the VicRoads Traffic Noise Reduction Policy.
“The noise walls have also been designed in accordance with the ResCode provisions under the Victorian Building Regulation to meet requirements for overshadowing,” Ms Kirk said.