Secret Dandy

Colin Kitney.

“AN undiscovered gem” – that’s how long-time real estate agent and resident Colin Kitney sees Dandenong.
Mr Kitney, Director of Barry Plant Real Estate in Langhorne Street, has grown up in the area and has been in the real estate industry in Dandenong for more than 40 years.
So he has certainly seen a lot of changes and knows the area better than most.
He says most people in Melbourne don’t realise the gem that Dandenong is and what it has to offer – with transport links and facilities of all types.
“It is a true regional centre,” he said.
“It is the main area for the South Eastern Suburbs – it’s the centre.
“Anything you need you don’t have to go into the city or to somewhere like Frankston – hospitals, schools – it’s all here.
“And it’s still cheap to buy – it’s not as expensive – you can still get a good house for $400,000 – three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a school around the corner.”
He said there had been many changes in the region -including it becoming more and more culturally diverse (reflected in the number of different eateries and the vast variety of cuisines available.
“I remember when there was only the hamburger shop,” he laughed.
However he said the biggest change sweeping Dandenong now was the change from a retail centre to a more commercial centre, with more government departments and banks coming into the centre of Dandenong and the retail focus moving to places like Fountain Gate.