TEACHERS and students rocked out at St John’s Regional College for its second annual Rock ’n’ Roll High School.
An application process allowed the whole school to get involved with the two day event and perform in front of family and friends.
Cara Stewart from St John’s said the schools strong tradition in music has brought through some of the most talented year 12 students she’s seen.
“This year they were pretty outstanding and are student leaders as well as being fantastic musicians,” she said.
This year’s Rock ’n’ Roll High School focused on stage craft.
“It was about putting on a good show and how to interact with other band members and the audience instead of just standing there and signing – it’s about putting on a show,” Ms Stewart said.
On Friday 22 May students were treated to a performance from their teachers and Melbourne rock band Warbirds, followed by workshops and a question and answer session.
“The Warbirds spoke a lot about how to get gigs and get paid to perform, the importance of being in a band with people that you like and also got down to things like who pays the sound engineers at gigs, social media, networking and promotion and recording.
“It was really great for the students,” she said.
Year 12 student Monica said the event was inspiring.
“It helped me establish a stronger bond with my peers and my passion for music.
“The atmosphere was absolutely fantastic from the awe-inspiring performance given by the Warbirds,” she said.
The Rock ’n’ Roll High School was established as a replacement for the traditional music camp and Ms Stewart said the event really allows the students to let their hair down.
“We had about 40 students perform on Saturday, a couple of the girls jazzed up a classical piano piece, we had a violin and piano duet do a combination of video game theme songs and had about 150 in the audience,” she said.