Dinner with a VIEW
DANDENONG Evening VIEW Club’s next dinner meeting will feature Vivienne Gallagher from Accessorize U.
There’ll be jewellery, scarves and bags priced at $30 and under.
VIEW stands for voice, interests and education of women. The organisation supports the Smith Family’s Learning for Life program. New members and guests are always welcome.
– Dandenong RSL, 44-50 Clow Street, Dandenong. Tuesday 3 May, 7pm. Bookings are essential. Call 9795 1222.
Writing for fun
THE Open Door will host a day-long creative writing workshop designed to spark imagination and get creative juices flowing.
A light lunch and a chance to chat with fellow writers will conclude the day.
– The Open Door, 110 Ann Street, Dandenong. Thursday 12 May, 10am to 2pm. A $10 donation is suggested. Bookings are essential. Call Trish or Jo on 9791 8664.
Farm swap
MYUNA Farm hosts a produce swap on the second Saturday of every month.
Residents can swap their excess home-grown produce with other participants. There’s no money exchanged – just items swapped.
– Myuna Farm, 182 Kidds Road, Doveton. Saturday 14 May, 9am to 10am. Call 9706 9944 for more information.
Ultimate ABBA Show
GOLD is the name of the newest ABBA tribute show to hit Dandenong.
– Drum Theatre, corner Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong. Saturday 14 May, 8pm. Tickets are priced from $49.90. Visit www.drumtheatre.com.au or call 8571 1666.
Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve
DISCOVER the natural beauty of Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve at open days held every Friday and the third Sunday of the month.
Take a picnic and wander the grounds to view a variety of flora and fauna. Park rangers are available for guided tours.
– Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve, Mackay Street, Springvale South.
Family fun at the library
PLAYING with Lego, chess, puzzles and games together can improve literacy, numeracy, spatial awareness, socially appropriate behaviour and fair play.
A parent or carer must accompany children to this free activity. Sessions are not held during school or public holidays.
– Springvale Library, 411 Springvale Road, Springvale. Saturdays, 11am to noon. Dandenong Library, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Fridays, 4pm to 5pm. Call 1300 630 920 for more information.
Fusion Theatre
THIS is a company of performers of different abilities based in Dandenong.
It started as a drama group in 1997 and now has three performance ensembles.
Members collaborate with professional theatre makers to devise theatre performances based on their ideas, stories and imagination.
– Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre, corner Robinson and Walker streets, Dandenong. Wednesdays from 10am to noon and 5pm to 7pm. Email jo.raphael@deakin.edu.au or call 0407 301 378 for more information.
The Social Knitwork
KNIT, make new friends, develop new skills and share patterns, stories and good times.
The sessions are free and no bookings are required.
– Level 2, Dandenong Library, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Wednesdays during school terms, 10.30am.
Support for diabetics
THE Dandenong and District Diabetic Support Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month.
Participants share information, have a chat, provide support and meet other people facing the same situation.
– Room 3, Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18-34 Buckley Street, Noble Park. Tuesdays, 2pm. Call Lesley Jarutis on 9546 2346 or email lesleyj941@hotmail.com for more information.
Library Storytime
ENJOY free storytime designed to help children aged three and over to develop their imagination and vocabulary.
– Springvale Library, 411 Springvale Road, Springvale, and Dandenong Library, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Thursdays during school terms, 10.30am. Call 1300 630 920 for more information.
Neighbourhood Watch
PUBLIC forum and information night hosted by Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch. Guest speaker is Mark Carter from the City of Greater Dandenong youth services team. Police will also be there to answer questions.
– Wednesday 18 May, 7.30pm, Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18 Buckley Street, Noble Park. Inquiries 0407 325 030.
Conversation Circle
MAKE new friends while practising English in a friendly, relaxed and safe environment.
– Dandenong Library, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Thursdays during school terms, 6pm to 7.30pm. Low to intermediate English required. No booking required. Tuesdays during school terms, 6pm to 7.30pm. Advanced English and prior assessment and booking required. Call 1300 630 920 or see library staff.
The Songbook of Her Life
CAROLE King – The Songbook Of Her Life celebrates the life and music of the singer-songwriter in a two-hour concert with 32 of King’s greatest hits.
Michelle Brasier with Jessica Papst and Erin Herrmann Young will be backed by the Wonderland Avenue Band.
– Drum Theatre, corner Lonsdale and Walker streets, Dandenong. Saturday 30 April, 7.30pm. Tickets are priced from $29.50. Call 8571 1666 or visit www.drumtheatre.com.au to book.
Combined Probus
NOBLE Park’s Combined Probus Club meets on the first Monday of the month.
The not-for-profit club is for retired people over the age of 55.
Members participate in events and activities including outings, coffee mornings, cinema trips and more.
– Club Noble, Moodemere Street, Noble Park. Monday 2 May, 10am. Call Lesley Jarutis on 9546 2346 for more information.
The Politics of the Imagination
THIS exhibition features artwork by young and emerging Hazara artists from Afghanistan and Pakistan who were born and raised during the war or in exile.
– Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre, corner Walker and Robinson streets, Dandenong. 5 to 28 May. 11am to 5pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 3pm Saturdays.
Creators’ Exhibition
LEARN about some of the creative people who have made the Greater Dandenong region a great place to be.
From art to architecture, to work in industry, this free display tells the stories of creators through the decades.
– Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens, 66 McCrae Street, Dandenong. Until 21 June. 10am to 4pm Tuesday to Friday, noon to 4pm on the first Sunday of the month.