Action hits crime

CRIME is decreasing in the Dandenong Railway Station precinct.
City of Greater Dandenong community services director Mark Doubleday told an 11 February council meeting there’d been a marked difference in property damage, theft and assault rates since the Dandenong Railway Station Precinct Action Plan was launched a year ago to address concerns about safety at the railway station.
He said there’d been a 40 per cent decrease in damaged property, a 25 per cent drop in thefts from motor vehicles, a 12 per cent drop in assaults and a five per cent decrease in robberies.
“Since the introduction of the Protective Services Officers (in May last year) there have been no assaults at the railway station,” Mr Doubleday said.
“Overall, for the entire precinct which captures the railway station the neighbourhood area, that is a good outcome.”
Mr Doubleday told the meeting that improving cleanliness at the station was also on the agenda.
“There has been continued advocacy by council in meeting with Metro who are responsible for the station,” he said.
He said Metro was keen to complete a “deep cleaning cycle” at the station but needed funds from Public Transport Victoria.
“A deep clean, which is a major overhaul of the station, does require a track closure and we are discussing with Metro how that can be achieved,” Mr Doubleday said.
“That will require a schedule well in advance but the positive side of that is that it is being discussed and it is being planned for, where previously there have been no discussions.”
He said council officers met with Metro monthly and pressed for improvements.
“Particularly around the operation of the lift and for the cleanliness of toilets and other areas,” he said.
“Metro are very supportive of that and they have stepped up some measures in relation to that.”
There are more than 8000 passenger movements at the station each day and that figure is set to rise.
The council, Metro, Department of Transport, Victoria Police, Places Victoria and Mission Australia developed the action plan.
Measures to address community safety issues have included improving sightlines, initiatives at the Pop Up Park and CCTV cameras in surrounding streets.