A NEW taste of India is now open in Dandenong.
Dandenong Market has welcomed Chaat Corner to its multicultural café offerings, and it’s serving up a 35-dish vegetarian menu very different from the expected Indian cuisine.
Chaat is the Indian term for savoury snacks served from stalls or food carts that line the city’s roads.
Chaat Corner is among only a few Melbourne eateries to specialise in this western Indian street fare, including dhai chutney puri – a delicate pastry case with potato stuffing and served with tamarind, onion, tomato and coriander and natural yoghurt.
There’s also the thepla with mango relish, which is dense flat bread made with fenugreek leaves and spices served with sundried mango chutney.
Chaat Corner’s owners, husband and wife Chintan Shan and Amiben Parikh, moved from Gujarat to Melbourne in 2006.
They create everything on-site using traditional methods, make every dish to order, source spice blends from India and use only fresh fruit and vegetables from the market.
Chaat Corner is open 8am to 5pm Tuesday, 10am to 8pm Thursday, and 9am to 8pm Friday and Saturday. Dishes are priced from $1 to $9.90.