Angler in hot water

A SPRINGVALE man has been convicted and fined $1000 for catching too many pipis.
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) said fisheries officers found the 31-year-old with eight times the legal catch limit at Venus Bay on New Year’s Eve 2011.
He had 17 litres of pipis and the Korumburra Magistrates’ Court on 2 July heard that the limit at Venus Bay was two litres per person.
Fisheries officers seized the pipis and returned them safely to the water alive, to protect the marine ecosystem.
Acting regional fisheries officer Chris Angwin said officers monitored activity at Venus Bay.
“People found to be breaching the regulations are dealt with by official warnings, infringements or possible court attendance, depending on the circumstances,” he said.
Call 13 FISH (13 3474) to report fisheries rule breaches.