Man injured in wood attack

A WOMAN struck a man with a large piece of wood during an attack in Noble Park on 23 October.
Police said a group of men and women of African appearance assaulted two men, aged 30 and 31, at their home in Leonard Avenue, Noble Park, about 9.50pm.
One victim fled to a nearby gym and armed himself with a barbell, but his attackers followed and hit him in the head with a large piece of wood, causing a laceration.
An ambulance took him to Dandenong Hospital for treatment.
Police attended, spoke to several people at the scene and arrested and detained a number of offenders overnight for public drunkenness.
The main suspect, a youth from Patterson Lakes, was interviewed, charged with assault and affray and bailed to appear at Dandenong Children’s Court.
Police are continuing to investigate the attack.
Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 with any information.