Eye out for safer streets


ASSAULTS are on the rise in Greater Dandenong, but police assure residents they’re working hard to make the streets safer.
Victoria Police last week released its latest crime statistics, comparing 1 January to 31 December last year with the previous 12 months.
They showed a 6.9 per cent rise in overall crime in the Greater Dandenong police service area (PSA), compared to a 3.1 per cent increase across the state.
There was also a 22.7 per cent jump in drug offences, compared to 14.4 per cent state-wide.
Detective Senior Sergeant Martin O’Brien said the rampant drug ice hadn’t triggered the rise, and the figures didn’t mean an increase in drug use.
“It’s more concentrated efforts being made, really, than anything else,” he said.
“Drug offences are offences that are generated by policing.
“They’re generally a victimless crime, so they’re not reported to police.”
Inspector Bruce Kitchen said non-family violence assaults were up 17.3 per cent, and police were working with residential care facilities and accommodation houses to make the community safer.
“With the majority of these assaults, both the offender and victim are known to each other – these partnerships are about reducing this culture,” he said.
“Our daily tasking and planned operations will continue to target these issues.”
Insp Kitchen said protective services officers (PSOs) had now been deployed at all railway stations within Greater Dandenong.
“A reduction in offences at these locations has continued with their presence,” he said.
He said the Greater Dandenong Family Violence Unit continued to have a significant impact on repeat offenders and had made vast improvements on referrals and reporting.
“It is our view that these strategies will help break the cycle of violence and make the family home safer,” he said.
Insp Kitchen said two squads of police recruits recently visited Dandenong Plaza through Operation Optic and engaged with members of the community.
“These operations will continue and visits will be extended to visit Parkmore Shopping Centre in Keysborough,” he said.
The crime statistics continued to identify decreases in robbery (18.9 per cent) and theft of motor vehicles (11.6 per cent).
“But we have also seen a slight decrease in our residential burglaries from the last quarter’s statistics,” he said.
Insp Kitchen encouraged all members of the Greater Dandenong community to be vigilant.
“If you see a suspicious person, suspicious vehicle or groups of youths causing trouble, contact your local police,” he said.
“If urgent police attendance is required contact police on triple zero immediately.
“You are our eyes and ears and we need your help to make the City of Greater Dandenong a safer place.”