A moment with Marg Stork

Some of the teaching staff at Dandenong Girls' High in 1957.

Girls on film… Dandenong Girls
A precious 16mm film shot in Dandenong in 1957 has been unearthed by chance among memorabilia stored after the closure of Dandenong Girls’ High School.
Member of the Dandenong High School Ex-student Association Greta Jungwirth said the film shows typical student activities in the first year of the school, which was initially situated at the former site of the Eclarte tweed mill.
The second half of the film revealed another surprise.
It shows scenes from the Dandenong Show in November of that year held at the old showgrounds in Clow Street.
Horse jumping, cattle judging, marching girls and the Grand Parade are all captured, as is the inaugural Miss Show Girl in her horse-drawn carriage.
These discoveries, and many more, are the result of dedicated volunteer work undertaken by members of the ex-student association’s history unit.
Since the merging of Doveton and Cleeland secondary colleges with Dandenong High School, Greta said the group had become the custodian of a treasure-trove of historic photographs and records.
Separate DVDs of these two films have been professionally edited and can be purchased.
Anyone interested can phone the school or go to the association’s website and leave contact details.
In recent weeks, former students of Doveton Technical School (which later became Doveton Secondary College) have accessed their class photographs from 1963 to the 1980s.
This has resulted in a rush of enthusiasm and nostalgia and a planned reunion of staff and students on 12 October at the Dandenong Workers Club.
Contact Chris Holland on 5996 1264 or cmholland1@hotmail.com for more details.
It is hoped that this reunion will lead to the formation of a Doveton Technical School Chapter, or sub-group, of Dandenong High School Ex-students Association.
Similar hopes are held for the formation of Dandenong Girls’ School and Cleeland Secondary College chapters.
Formed in the 1920s, the Dandenong High School Ex-students Association is one of the oldest in Victoria and one of the few in the public sector.
Greta said it was an active and vibrant organisation with strong, co-operative ties to the school.

In other school news, Dandenong Primary School in Foster Street is about to celebrate its 140th anniversary.
When I was working in the Dandenong Journal’s former home in Scott Street, my routine on a Monday involved a news search “on foot” to the city’s churches, schools, RSL, fire brigade and other important venues.
One of my regular ports of call was the Dandenong Primary School where I took notes to write up the school’s news.
I was always met with courtesy and co-operation and could understand the popularity of not only the teaching staff but the ancillary staff with the general public.
On Thursday 1 May, the school will host a dinner for old students and former staff. On Saturday 3 May a community day will be held at the school from 9am until 4pm.
If any Journal readers have a copy of the coverage of the schools’ 100th anniversary celebrations it would be appreciated if they could contact Carol at the school on 9792 2743.