Sideline concerns


A DISABILITY advocate has lashed out at the lack of people with disabilities on Greater Dandenong Council’s recently-appointed Disability Advisory Committee.
Sharon Harris, a former Greater Dandenong councillor and outspoken disability advocate, was among 10 appointments to the council’s other advisory body, the Disability Community Reference Group.
She said her group would “not have so much say” and a “more minor role” than the DAC – which advises the council at a broad policy and strategic level.
“No one who is on the ground level are going to be there (on the DAC).
“There are people working in departments and management who are working with people with a disability every day but do they have a disability themselves?
“What good is it if you don’t have anybody on the ground and really understanding what it’s all about?”
Ms Harris has spoken out against public hazards and inadequate taxi services for wheelchair users such as herself.
She had hoped to be included into the DAC to push for higher disability-access standards.
Kerbside ramp gradients, as one example, were too steep for wheelchair users because of lax standards, she said.
Ms Harris said she mistakenly agreed to join the DCRG rather than the DAC after a recent discussion with a council officer.
The DAC’s selection criteria included working in disability services, policy development and planning.
Councillor Matthew Kirwan, who initiated the disability advisory process, said he had “mixed feelings” about separating the groups.
“Having a combined group would be ideal in principle but getting people with different skill sets, perspectives and focus… I saw as potentially too hard to work optimally in practice.
“I don’t necessarily think the DAC’s insights or recommendations will be limited, as they are meant to consult with the community reference group (but) I do understand that there is a risk there that has to be monitored.”
He said there was nothing stopping a person with a disability being on either group.
“From a personal perspective I didn’t put so much work into getting both groups off the ground to be content with them being ornaments or paper tigers.
“I will strongly advocate for them to have real influence.”
Amanda Eames, South East Local Learning Employment Network.
Marg Harvey, Vision Australia.
Jackie Lowther, Springvale Park Special Developmental School.
Phillip Toovey, The Bridge.
Michelle Barnes
Twanny Farrugia
Peter Fletcher
Sharon Harris
Pradeep Hewavitharana
Naray Kaya
Jennifer La Brooy
Judith Spence
Karen Strange