Council’s woolly problem

Vu Ho tends to his ailing sheep Baa last May. 121275_08 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


AFTER being the subject of a protracted legal battle, Baa the sheep died at the ripe age of 17 where her owner desired.
Her owner Vu Ho had waged fights up to the highest court in the land to keep Baa in his Springvale backyard.
In a sense the legal tactics against Greater Dandenong Council achieved their purpose.
The sheep, ailing with multiple tumours, succumbed at home as Mr Ho changed her sesame paste dressing.
She’d enjoyed fried chips and cooked vegetables in her final days.
After the court action, the council had written to Mr Ho several times seeking Baa’s relocation.
The council also sought five-figure legal costs awarded against Mr Ho by the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal.
After Baa died in August, the council told the Journal it was still considering its options but has not since made another move.
Time will tell whether the council has made a ewe-turn.