Shed for sure

Thomas, Dion and Cooper are happy with the new shed. 130762 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


A SIMPLE shed might not seem worth celebrating.
But for Shalimar Park Kindergarten in Dandenong North it took five years of fund-raising to make the storage space a reality.
“We’ve had quite a few committee members come and go over the years who have been working towards this shed,” Bronwyn Jarvis said.
“The whole idea of the shed was to give the teachers and the kids more room for their equipment and also to give a safe environment for the children to help themselves and to take what they want out and play with it.”
Ms Jarvis said the former storage space was difficult for teachers to supervise and too small.
The new area contains shelves and will also become an art feature.
“We have been in contact with an artist who works in Dandenong with some youths and we’ve been given a quote to put together an indigenous mural,” Ms Jarvis said.
“It was out of our budget so we’ll have to bring it to the committee this year.
“We want it to feature hand prints from the kids as well.”
About 110 families have children enrolled in the three and four-year-old kinder classes at the centre.