Crimes of desperation


CUTS to emergency relief budgets will cause a crime spike in Greater Dandenong, a leading charity worker fears.
Dandenong Benevolent Society president Margaret Ladner said the group would not receive the $58,000 Federal Government grant it applied for.
“I’ve been here 30 years and I’ve always had Federal Government money,” she said.
This followed news that Springvale Benevolent Society had missed out on its $70,000 Department of Social Services (DSS) grant and that at least two other Greater Dandenong groups would also have to go on without federal support.
“You’re going to get more crime,” Ms Ladner said.
“Desperation – it does things to people.”
About 40 people attended a forum on the issue in Springvale on Friday 6 February, including representatives from Vietnamese Community in Australia, Cambodian Association of Victoria and Dandenong Community Advice Bureau.
“The other agencies are feeling it as well,” Ms Ladner said.
“Let’s hope the government does think about it and change a wee bit.
“I’ve got three guys sleeping at my back door. They’ve got nowhere to go.”
Ms Ladner provides food vouchers, toys and a variety of other support to about 150 people each week.
“All the agencies send them to me – mental health, Centrelink, asylum seekers…” she said.
She already has to turn people away and said it would get worse.
“I’m alright just now – I’ve still got toys for kids and I’ve still got food in the cupboards,” she said.
“This benevolent society’s been going for 60 years.
“I’ve got a great bunch of volunteers here. We’ll keep going until there’s nothing left.”
Ms Ladner said the society’s support had helped people to stay out of jail and often helped people escape from family violence.
“The Dandenong people themselves are so generous,” she said.
“I got broken into about two years ago. One organisation donated $4000. Another man walked off the street and he put $500 on the counter.
“We’re still getting support from the ordinary working class person.
“The government are sitting up there, and they’re not cutting back, are they?”