Looking Back

100 years ago
20 July 1915

What the Women can do
The women of Australia have already done, and are doing, much splendid work in the war of raising war funds for various kinds and of supplying valuable equipment to our boys bound for the front.
Now an even greater and harder task faces them – to assist in stimulating enlistment.
Yet that is what every woman of Victoria who realises her true duty to State and Empire must do today, and do quickly and unflinchingly.
While there are many who have given their husbands and sons to the great cause, there are many who are either indifferent or who shrink from making the great sacrifice.
Yet in this stupendous life or death struggle of the nations, women have even more to lose than men.
If they have any doubts let them read even the most meagre records of the German invasion of Belgium at the expense of women and children.
Would they keep their sons at home under pretence that it will be time enough to fight the German hordes when they reach Australia.
Then will be too late. Great Britain will have perished as a nation…..

50 years ago
21 July 1965
Boy 14 saves 15yr old
A 14 year old boy saved a 15 year old boy from drowning in the Dandenong Creek at the end of Greaves St Dandenong, on Sunday afternoon.
Lyn Stirling 15, of Dalgety St Dandenong was playing on the banks of the creek at about 3pm when he fell into the water.
The creek was running a banker after heavy rain on Saturday and he was in difficulties.
He managed to grab a branch of an overhanging tree but was near exhaustion when his cries for help were heard by Peter Herfield 14 of Bruce St Dandenong who was passing nearby.
Peter raced to his assistance and scrambling down the bank of the creek managed to pull the drowning lad to safety.

20 years ago
24 July 1995
Beware of cheap paint offers
Springvale Community Aid and Advice Bureau has warned homeowners to beware of offers of cheap
house painting.
A man who offered to paint rooms for $10 each had collected advance payments, and disappeared without doing any work, bureau staff said.
A spokesman for the bureau said: “Homeowners wanting work done are advised to ask friends for recommendations, to obtain at least three quotes.“

5 years ago
19 July 2010
Robbery averted
A Noble Park bottle shop worker has fought off a would-be robber with a steel bar.
A man entered the Jacksons Road bottle shop, produced a knife and demanded money about 4.30pm on July 10th.
The attendant armed himself with a steel bar and fought off the offender who fled.

Compiled by the Dandenong and District Historical Society