Art from the heart

Galilee residents Darren, Carol, Kevin and Matthew with the mural. 142574 Picture: GARY SISSONS


A NOBLE Park art project has built skills, confidence and teamwork – and a flower-themed mosaic mural.
Artist Amanda Forster guided about 10 people with disabilities at Galilee Supported Residential Service (SRS) through the creative process.
Specialist support worker Daniela Markovic said the project encouraged residents to socialise.
“I saw quite a few people change over the 10-week period and it was a real opportunity to develop the relationships,” she said.
“We saw some people really shine.
“When we had the exhibition and we revealed the artwork, a lot of residents who keep to themselves came out and actually participated.
“It’s in the outdoor area where people do spend a lot of time, and it’s visible also from the dining area.”
Ms Markovic said Ms Forster was “amazing at engaging the residents”.
“The residents do really have complex needs,” she said.
“They often have a dual diagnosis – mental health and drugs or alcohol, or mental health and acquired brain injury.
“We hadn’t seen some participate in other activities before.”
She said it put some residents’ fine motor skills and concentration to the test.
“Some people jumped in and out but a couple of people were really hands-on and did it every week, and every aspect of it,” Ms Markovic said.
“Everybody put at least one square on there.”
She said some staff-resident relationships improved during the project, too.
“They’re thinking of continuing some sort of art group there,” she said.