Knife attack at milk bar

AN attendant at a Noble Park milk bar is lucky to be alive after he was stabbed multiple times by a knife-wielding attacker.
The would-be customer entered the Buckley Street store about 5.10pm on Saturday 26 March and asked for a packet of cigarettes.
The attendant turned around to get the cigarettes but when he turned back, he was confronted by the man who had come around the counter armed with a knife.
Detective Sergeant Jason Owen said there was then a “violent struggle” in which the victim was stabbed a number of times to the upper and lower body.
The attacker then stole cash from the till and fled.
The victim suffered only “superficial” wounds and was treated at the scene.
The attacker is described as Asian in appearance, aged in his twenties, and was wearing a dark hoody, a black cap, sunglasses, light blue jeans and white Puma dress shoes at the time.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or submit a confidential crime report to