Land of many languages

Dancers on one of the main stages. 176993 Pictures: Rob Carew

 People from around the world came together in Dandenong Park to celebrate their shared love for Australia.
The Greater Dandenong Australia Day Festival on Friday 26 January kicked off with a Welcome to Country and a smoking ceremony by a Wurundjeri Elder, a flag-raising ceremony and awards.
Applauded for their positive contribution to the municipality were Trish Keilty as Citizen of the Year,
Young Leader of the Year Aishwarya Pokkuluri, Maria Peters as Corporate Citizen of the Year, Volunteer of the Year Maria Mastroianni, and Nilesh Vaheesan as Sportsperson of the Year.
Sarah Williams received the Leadership Award, Manzoor Nazari accepted the Multicultural Award, Colin Robinson was inducted to the Community Hall of Fame and Christine Ware joined the Sports Hall of Fame.
The annual festival featured activities and entertainment for young and old.
It aimed also educate and create awareness about Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, history and culture.