Eye-sore squats under the radar

Garbage trails down the driveway, amassing in the rear car ports. 191922_04 Picture: CAM LUCADOU-WELLS

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

You wonder what it will take for the clean-up of a long-standing squatter-house in Scott Street Dandenong.

Star News believes that the three-unit eye-sore has been unoccupied – at least by formal tenants – for the past six months.

In that time, the yard has accumulated unsightly piles of rubbish such as white-goods, mattresses, a cot and shopping trolleys. All in plain view of the street.

Curtains billow out of the property’s broken window panes, the yard reeks of urine and a stream of people have been seen coming and going.

A pair who emerged from one of the units told Star News that there were a couple of people squatting inside.

“They are doing it pretty hard. They should be gone in a couple of months.”

A complainant told Star News that he’s given up reporting the “atrocious” situation to Greater Dandenong Council and police.

He surmises that drug dealing and using is in play.

“The police don’t want to know about it unless someone is stabbed or assaulted,” he claims.

“What do I need to do? Send someone there to be killed?

“You can imagine what it’s like living next door. It’s a pity that hard-working people living around there have to suffer.”

The property’s owner plans to demolish the dwelling, the man said.

“The owner of the property didn’t even know (about the squatting) until I tracked him down last week.

“He has only just abolished the electricity account – they were using his electricity.”

Greater Dandenong city planning and amenity director Jody Bosman said there were currently no complaints open in relation to the property.

“The last complaint relating to this property was received in August/September 2018 and related to dumped rubbish.

“Council has no enforcement powers when it comes to squatting as this is a civil matter between the land owner and the squatters.”

Victoria Police was contacted for comment.