Library, customer service re-open

Dandenong Library is set to re-open for 15-minute visits from Tuesday 9 June. 207585_02 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


Dandenong Library and Greater Dandenong Council customer service centres are set to reopen under strict limits on Tuesday 9 June.

As part of a “measured approach” as Covid-19 restrictions ease, the library will be open on weekdays only from 10.30am-6pm, the council has announced.

Patrons will be triaged at the library entrance and restricted to 15-minute visits.

Initially as part of a phased re-opening, only book holds will be issued – there will be no browsing at bookshelves, a council spokesperson said.

Customer service centres at Dandenong and Parkmore and the planning counter at Dandenong Civic Centre will also re-open 8.30am-5pm.

Noble Park Aquatic Centre and Dandenong Oasis pool, the council’s art galleries and Drum Theatre remain closed “until further notice”.

“Life is not going to return to normal overnight and any changes will be done gradually,” Greater Dandenong mayor Jim Memeti said.

“We have all worked very hard over the past three months to keep our community safe.

“The health and wellbeing of our community is Council’s number one priority and we are not going to rush this process.”

The council stated that social distancing requirements remain in place. Patrons are expected to practise good hand hygiene.

Card payments will be encouraged, the council has advised.
