Covid-19: Rates relief extended


By Cam Lucadou-Wells

Greater Dandenong Council may extend its $200 waiver for unemployed ratepayers in response to the six-week Covid-19 shutdown from 9 July.

Mayor Jim Memeti said under the proposal, the council’s rate relief package for JobSeeker recipients in 2019-’20 would be “rolled over” for this financial year.

This time, the waiver wouldn’t be rolled over for pensioners, who received $100 off in April, he said.

The proposal is subject to being approved by a council meeting this month.

In April, the council announced a $4 million relief package during the onset of the pandemic, including $330,000 in material aid, commercial rent waivers, rates waivers and rental rebates for sports clubs.

The material-aid relief would continue over coming weeks, according to a council spokesperson.

Cr Memeti said many in the community were worried about the prospect of “going back to square one”.

He urged people to stay home and “do the right thing”, given the aggressive spread of the coronavirus.

“It’s not a good feeling.

“A lot of small businesses have to go through it all over again, just as they were starting to get on their feet again.

“School holidays have been extended another week, which is going to put pressure on parents.

“It’s back to no more visiting family and friends.”

Under the stage-3 shutdown, residents in metro Melbourne will be compelled to stay home except for four reasons.

The exemptions are shopping for essentials, care-giving or seeking medical care, work and study if it can’t be done at home, and exercise.

People will not be allowed to visit friends and family living in a different residence, except for intimate partners.

Home visits will be permitted for caregiving, compassionate reasons or providing services.

Libraries, community centres, indoor sports centres, gyms, pools, indoor and drive-in cinemas, gaming venues, and cultural and entertainment venues will be closed.

Community sport and training will be halted. Outdoor sports facilities will close, except for sports in which people can exercise with no more than one other person 1.5 metres apart.

Personal training outdoors will be restricted to two participants and an instructor at each session.

Restaurants and cafes will only serve takeaway and home deliveries. Pubs and clubs will only offer takeaway food and alcohol.

Beauty and personal care services are closed, but for hairdressers.

Weddings will be restricted to five people, funerals to 10 attendees. Religious ceremonies can only occur online, with a maximum of five people conducting the ceremony.

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