A zero-tolerance campaign against bad behaviour has been hailed a success by Armada Dandenong Plaza.
‘Respect Protect Connect’ (RPC) was introduced in July 2019 to send a strong message against people displaying inappropriate and disrespectful behaviour in the shopping centre.
Twelve months on, centre manager Mark Tannahill said retailers and customers had sent “numerous messages of support”.
The campaign has been recently tailored to include Covid-19 public health guidelines.
The centre’s retail staff, contractors and management wear lanyards promoting the RPC message.
Retailers display RPC posters in their stores.
Taxi Design store manager Connie Styllianou said the campaign had been a “unifiying experience for me as a retailer”.
“When I see other retailers wearing the RPC lanyards I feel like we are part of a team working together for the same outcome.”
Palm Plaza Lotto retailer Sineth Sar said RPC “strengthened our connection with my own staff, customers and centre management”.
“It has helped connect all of us.”