Thanks to AMES tutor

Wayne Veal, second left, with AMES tutors, says the role is the best thing he's ever done.


AMES Australia tutor Wayne Veal is given lofty respect by his refugee English students.

He’s known as ‘Babai’ – which means ‘grandfather in Dari – by his appreciative Afghan learners.

For the past seven years, Mr Veal has volunteered as a tutor at the migrant and refugee settlement agency in Dandenong.

It’s proved a positive and worthwhile role in retirement. The best thing he’s ever done, he says.

“I did a bit of volunteering initially in people’s homes. I just wanted to help and I had some free time.

“You usually know when something is right for you and this is just so right for me. The people are beautiful. For me it’s been fantastic.”

On the eve of National Volunteer Week, Mr Veal was given a Certificate of Appreciation by AMES Australia.

A survey commissioned by AMES found its volunteers believed they themselves benefited from helping others.

It improved physical and mental health, built personal satisfaction and connections.

And for Mr Veal, he found his “life partner” through volunteering at AMES.

“It’s been a wonderful experience for me.”