National Volunteer Week ran from Monday 16 May until Sunday 22 May and celebrates the theme Better Together.
Council celebrates and thanks volunteers who give so generously of their time.
Mayor, Cr Jim Memeti said volunteers are an integral part of the Greater Dandenong community.
“Volunteers contribute to the culture, vibrancy, health and wellbeing of our city. Volunteering brings people together; it builds communities and creates a better society for everyone.
“National Volunteer Week is a chance for all of us to celebrate and recognise the vital work of volunteers and to say thank you. Together, through volunteering, we are changing communities for the better. We are Better Together.
“Currently we are looking for volunteers to support our meals on wheels program,” the Mayor said.
Greater Dandenong is the most culturally diverse community in Australia, and this is reflected in the variety of people who volunteer.
Volunteering with Greater Dandenong City Council provides you with an opportunity to share your time, talents, and abilities in a supported and professional environment.
By joining Council’s volunteer team, you can learn new skills and expand your circle of friends while making a valuable contribution to the community.
Council has a host of interesting volunteering roles, including for meals on wheels, the Drum Theatre, home library, festival and events, Gardens 4 Wildlife and Make Your Move programs, social support, literacy, peer to peer (homework group), arts and heritage, Jan Wilson Community Centre, and youth services.
Council’s volunteers are diverse with a passion to make a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others. You are sure to find something of interest and you can volunteer a little or a lot.
Key benefits of volunteering include: an improvement of physical and mental health, providing a sense of purpose, teaching skills and nurturing relationships.
To find out more about volunteering locally visit greaterdandenong.vic.gov.au/volunteering or contact the Greater Dandenong Volunteer Resource Service at gdvrs.org.au or phone 9562 0414.