Gender-reveal hoon faces consequences

Police arrest man for allegedly engaging in gender-reveal hooning activities. Picture: SUPPLIED.

Two separate ‘hoon gender reveals’ in Dandenong South and Keysborough were among a series of offences a Rowville man was faced with on Thursday 18 August.

The reveals occurred near crowds of people with pink or blue smoke emitted, indicating the gender of his to-be-born children, police allege.

The two events allegedly took place on 10 July 2022 in Keysborough and 5 July 2020 in Dandenong South.

He has also been charged in relation to three additional hooning incidents in Dandenong South between 28 April and 4 July this year.

Investigators from the Dandenong High Risk Driving Unit arrested the recidivist hoon as part of Operation Achilles.

The 22-year-old male is expected to be charged with 48 offences in connection to this offending, including reckless conduct endangering life, reckless conduct endangering serious injury, driving in a manner dangerous and improper use of a motor vehicle.

In total, 260 charges were laid for dangerous driving and a raft of theft from motor vehicle offences across Melbourne’s southeast.

Sergeant Paul Holtzinger from Dandenong High Risk Driving Unit – Operation Achilles, condemned the behaviour.

“If you’re celebrating an impending birth and want to reveal the gender of your child, pop a balloon or cut a cake. Don’t tear up our roads and recklessly put your family and friends in danger of serious injury or death,” Sergeant Holtzinger said.

“We are aware of a trend where hoons are celebrating some of life’s most memorable moments, such as celebrating new arrivals to the family or weddings, by burning rubber and putting others in danger.

“It’s not only bizarre and illegal behaviour but has the real ability to turn a moment of celebration into tragedy.

“If you choose to engage in this kind of behaviour, the real surprise will come when we knock on your door.

“Hoon driving is not harmless fun – it is serious and dangerous, and police will relentlessly investigate those involved in organised hoon meets.”